What Will MCPatron Cost Me?

* MCPatron's pricing is suggested donation only. We at MCPatron understand that these are tough times for Youtubers, and don't want to add any more monitary obligations to your plate than you're able to handle.

  Iron Gold Diamond Beacon
 0-15 players16-60 players61-200 players201+ players
Whitelist Management 
Connect Minecraft Names to Patreon Accounts
Appoint admins to help you manage
Exempt specific players from having to pay
Create player groups to organize your whitelists
Warning Management 
Appoint Moderators
Record notes about players
Attach warning points to the notes
Keep track of who gave what warning
Ban players from being whitelisted
Coming Soon 
Full Whitelist Automation through Spigot Plugin
Event Managment
Player Polls
Sync with Discord
Twitch and Youtube Account integration